2016 4-Way Test Speech Contest
The second annual 4-Way Test speech Contest was held at Hamburg Area High School on Thursday, February 18, 2016. Four HAHS students competed, giving 5-7 minute persuasive speeches on a topic that met the criteria of the 4-Way Test. Yelitza Pagan a junior, won first place for her speech on "Benefits of Teenage Employment." Sophomore Eliza Moseman won second place for her speech on Immigration. Jose Galarza, also a sophomore, won third place for his speech on Homeless Veterans. Honorable Mention was won by Dominic Lombardo, a freshman, for his speech on Leadership. These students each received certificates and checks for $100, $50, $25, and $25 respectively.
Christine Roth was Contest Chair; Judges were two Rotarians, Titus A. Miller III and Beth A.Heckart, and Lori Donofrio-Galley of the Northeast Berks Chamber of Commerce. Also assisting at the contest were Rotarians Eric George, timekeeper,and Martha Bertolet and Donna Palko, tellers.